Sheet metal roofing repairs

Peltikattoremontit pääkaunkiseudulla

We rebuild different types of tin roofs, which can be, for example, simple pulpette roofs or complex early 20th century apartment house roofs. The material can be galvanised, copper or rst-plate. If necessary, we will replace the roof's rainwater systems and roofing products.

A tin roof is a whole

The roof is not just a surface visible from the outside, but an essential part of the overall condition of the property. When carrying out roof maintenance, the survey must go deeper into the structure than the surface to locate and repair any potential problems. We do roof renovations in depth.

Long-term outcome

Ammattitaitoisesti asennettu peltikatto on hankinta, joka kestää pitkään. Säännöllisillä tarkastuksilla ja huoltotoimenpiteillä katon käyttöikä pitenee useita vuosia.

Myrak as contractor

We have accumulated experience in the renovation sector over a couple of decades. Our specialties include steel reinforcement, torn plaster, plaster and concrete repairs.

We carry out renovation projects comprehensively, from planning the work to warranty inspections. The whole is built around the customer's wishes and needs.

Responsible and reliable operations are at the heart of renovation. Over the years, we have built cost-effective operating models that are the basis for the quality of our service.

Our activities are focused on large facade renovation contracts for properties and housing companies in the metropolitan area. We focus on high-quality and long-lasting results.